Meet Cheyla Clawson Chandler

Residence February 1, 2017 — February 28, 2017

frames & facades

What does it mean to create and sustain a creative life in Kansas at this moment in time? Throughout 2017, Harvester Arts will return to this question as the primary theme for all of our programming. For our winter residency, Harvester recognized integration and collaboration as potential answers to our abiding question by engaging dancer and choreographer Cheyla Clawson Chandler as the resident artist.

This local residency relied on movement to explore how humans navigate their current reality and develop a sense of self physically, digitally and in relation to others. Cheyla worked with a small group of dancers to create an intimate movement experience. Satellite Artists for this residency used this performative work as a launching point to create something completely new that integrated movement and visual art.

Satellite ARTISTS

For each Resident Artist, at least two local Satellite Artists or groups are selected. Satellite Artists are tasked with taking an aspect of the Resident’s work, process, or ideas and creating new work in response. Satellite Artists have the opportunity to work closely with the Resident Artist. Satellite Artists may collaborate or produce independent work. Satellite Artists are responsible for an exhibition and receive a stipend.

Become a Participating Artist

Interested in participating with Harvester Arts? Harvester Arts is open to all art forms but does focus on installation and performative projects. Our residencies offer an opportunity for an artist to develop and experiment.

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